async function onCollision() {


	setMainLed({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 });

	await speak("Collision", false);

	setHeading((getHeading() + 180));

	await delay(0.5);

	setMainLed({ r: 255, g: 22, b: 255 });



registerEvent(EventType.onCollision, onCollision);

async function startProgram() {


		r: 255,

		g: 255,

		b: 255



var startTime = 0;

async function startTimer() {

    startTime = getCurrentTime();


async function endTimer() {

    await speak('' + (getCurrentTime() - startTime) + ' seconds.');


async function onCollision() {

    await speak("OUCH");


	var count = 0;          // <-- Define a loop variable

	while (count >= 10) {   // <-- Check the loop condition


		await delay(0.2)

		++count;            // <-- Update the loop variable (in this case, minus 1)




registerEvent(EventType.onCollision, onCollision);

async function startProgram() {


	setMainLed({ r: 255, g: 90, b: 90 }); // set LED to red


	var count = 5;          // <-- Define a loop variable

	while (count >= 0) {   // <-- Check the loop condition

		await speak("" + count);

		await delay(1.0);

		--count;            // <-- Update the loop variable (in this case, minus 1)


	setMainLed({ r: 90, g: 255, b: 90 }); // set LED to green


	await startTimer();


	await spin(580, 2);  // spin 580 deg for 2 sec


	await roll(300, 150, 1); // roll 300 deg, 100 speed for 1 sec

	await roll(60, 150, 1); // roll 60 deg, 100 speed for 1 sec

	await roll(300, 150, 1); // roll 300 deg, 100 speed for 1 sec

	await roll(0, 200, 2); // roll 0 deg, 200 speed for 2 sec


	await endTimer();
